Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months, and years they spend preparing for it.
An event “Brains Out!” a quiz event organized by the Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES), was a huge success having mass participation of 129 students from different branches of Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College. Students participated with great enthusiasm. The quiz was based on current affairs related to fields like Science and Technology, recent discoveries and inventions, etc.
Date:- July-5th,2020
Time:- 4:30 PM
Rules & Regulation:
Event will be a simple MCQ quiz with no negative marking.
After registration the participants will be added to an activity on Moodle named “Quiz contest” under course named ACES
Syllabus for quiz
General Current Affairs on Politics.
General Current Affairs on Startup Companies, Gaming, E-Commerce.
General Current Affairs on World Records, Telecommunications & Pharmaceuticals
General Current Affairs on Science, discoveries & inventions.

Position | Name | Branch | Year | U.R.N |
1st Position | Atul Singh | CSE | D2 | 1805949 |
2nd Position | Harshit Arora | ME | D3 | 1707016 |
3rd Position | Devansh Bhushan | CSE | D2 | 1805167 |
Name | Uni. Roll. No | Branch | Year |
Gurvir Singh | 1805042 | CE | D2 |
Jasjot Singh | 1905343 | IT | D1 |
Sr. No. | Work | Name | Year | URN |
1 | Promotional text | Ananya Verma | D1 | 1904816 |
2 | Rules and Regulation | Manpreet Singh Bains | D2 | 1805076 |
3 | Form / Submission | Shubendar Kumar | D3 | 1706310 |
4 | Certificate | Charanpreet Singh | D2 | 1805029 |
5 | Flyer | Charanpreet Singh | D2 | 1805029 |